برنامج مقترح لتدريج النموذج الاساسي للتنوره باستخدام الحاسب الالى

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


مدرس الملابس والنسيج کلية التربية – جامعة عين شمس


ملخص النتائج :-
1 – ظهر من خلال النتائج ارتفاع مستوى التحصيل و الاداء المهارى للطلاب بعد التعلم بالبرنامج ، مما يؤکد على فاعلية البرنامج المقترح فى تعلم مهارات تدريج النموذج الاساسى لتنورة الطفله .
2- حقق الطلاب حد الاتقان(85%) فى تحصيل المعارف المتضمنه فى البرنامج المقترح. 
3- حقق الطلاب حد الاتقان "80% " بالنسبه لتعلم المهارات المتضمنه فى البرنامج المقترح لتدريج النموذج الاساسى لتنورة الطفله ، کما أظهرت نتائج تطبيق معادلة الکسب المعدل ارتفاع مستوي الأداء المهاري للطلاب بعد التعلم بالبرنامج المقترح.
4- أراء الطلاب ايجابية نحو التعلم بالبرنامج المقترح . 
The most important to purpose of higher education graduate. which revolve around the tools in the educational process of the curricula , teaching methods, teachers , evaluation and coordination or processing of all these items to graduate students capable to succeed in their lives and their workplaces, therefore must take into account the individual differences between each other,  and asked the learning of each individual according to his mental and skills .
In this search we suggested program for learning the individual skills of one of the students assessed the second division in department of home Economics, faculty of Education-Ain shams university and the corresponding colleges, has been the application of the proposed program with the consent of the test were professors of specialization appropriate to address the statistics, which brought us to the effectiveness of the proposed program to learn. And the arrival of students to the degree of skill in grading the basic pattern of fitted skirt with an emphasis on our need to trans from the university curricula to the decisions of E-learning allows student to learn individual.
That results of the application of the high tests degree of perfection, this degree are higher than the ratios set by the specialists in this filed namely "80 % of skills, knowledge of 85 %"in accordance with the evaluation tool developed by the teacher.
The high grades obtained by students after learning of the proposed program, which emphasizes the large degree allow students to learn the skills and knowledge linked to the grading basic skirt for children's.
In the light of the above results we suggest the following recommendations:
 First, we need to Trans other parts of out decisions in higher education to the decisions of electronic which help students learn individual.
Second, this program can be used in the proposed research which aimed at teaching the basic grading of patterns through the open method of the lab which provides several ways to learn a variety of capacities depending on the individual students. 
Third, this proposed program can be used as the site of the university the World Wide Web to provide a package of courses for distance learning.
Fourth, also can be used another learning , such as learning  video in teaching grading basic skirt pattern and compeer it with computer proposed program to reach the best results .
Fifth, the students or educational staff should become more effective in teaching those skills to sustain the learning process.

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